A Model for Healing Touch

A Model for Healing Touch

The current bio-medical model cannot explain the phenomenon of healing touch.  The Model of Whole-Person Caring (WPC) is a spiritual, holistic, and interdisciplinary model that re-defines who we are as " pandimensional energy fields that are infinite and sacred in nature."  The definitions and concepts of the WPC Model  are derived from nursing theorists and science. This article will help healing touch practitioners articulate their practice using a theoretical framework based on the work of notable nurse theorists, Florence Nightingale, Martha Rogers and Jean Watson. The implementation of the model has increased  patient and employee satisfaction, improved teamwork and communication and resulted in considerable saving for hospitals. The model has received national, state and local recognition for its efficacy in creating healing environments and promoting caring and healing relationships.

As an interdisciplinary model it is useful to healing touch practitioners and other energy healers practicing in many different roles and professions.  Nurses, physicians, lay people, educators, therapists, administrators, volunteers, care givers and others wanting to incorporate healing touch in their practices will find this article useful.  This is a short and basic article that will aquaint the reader with holistic nursing theorists, the key concepts of Whole-Person Caring and the usefulness of the  WPC Model for healing touch practitioners.

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Citation:  Thornton, L. (2010). A spiritual and energetically-based model supporting the practice of healing touch. Energy , (45), 15-16.

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