The Art and Science of Whole-Person Caring

The Art and Science of Whole-Person Caring

The Art and Science of Whole-Person Caring Cover

The Art and Science of Whole-Person Caring (WPC)  discusses the importance of utilizing an interdisciplinary framework to help organizations create the synergy needed for optimal health and performance.  The key concepts and steps to integrate the model are presented along with a manager's case study related to actual implementation.  In addition, the article presents the results of a research study measuring the effectiveness of the model on organizational values such as  excellence, respect, service and teamwork.

This article appeared in the International Journal of Human Caring in an edition featuring practice and research grounded in the work of Margaret Newman and Martha Rogers.  Many of the concepts of the WPC model are influenced by or directly derived from the work of Martha Rogers, Margaret Newman, Jean Watson and Florence Nightingale.  This model combines the best concepts of each of these gifted nurse theorists in a way that can be easily understood by people from different disciplines and backgrounds. 

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Citation: Thornton, L., Gold, J., & Watkins, M.  (2002). The art and science of whole-person caring: an interdisciplinary model  for health care practice, International Journal for Human Caring 6 (2). 38-47.

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